In Greek the meaning of the name Karissa is: Very dear.
Looking back at our journey of life, we may find moments and memories which are beautiful, devastating, happy, sad, etc.
At times we feel incapable of doing things and overcoming our obstacles. But when you flash back, and see how you fiercely arose with solutions.
Obviously not always we come up with wise decisions. But we somehow still managed to row our boats until now.
There is a different sort of addiction in the feeling of achieving your milestone, after tons of hard work and efforts. And that feeling of satisfaction is what keeps us going.
What i personally believe is that there is no better motivation than the above sentiment.
Karissa here depicts us this very dear feeling. When I look at her I get a very bittersweet vibe. That is because of the sense of mystery in her eyes, with a gentle smile.
She also illustrates the aura of a catastrophe of karma. Looking at what's gone.
She is still strong enough to put up with a mild smile with all her difficulties.
She is going through her past, but she is just a visitor there.
And that's what makes her so ravishing.
To the person who
will want to fall in love with me
I have been a sky all my life
full of light and anger
if you're not coming with
thunderstorms; do not come
at all
- Noor Unnahar